Moroccan Blues – Chefchaouen

Dimensions (cm): 125 x 95 x 4


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While travelling through Morocco, I stayed in a small city called Chefchaouen. People who have travelled to Morocco will understand that many cities there are denoted by their colour. For example, Marrakech is the Red City, Fez is the Yellow City, and Tangier the White City.

Chefchaouan is known as the Blue City, And blue it is! The walls are painted blue, doors and even the cobble stone streets are painted blue. As the paint wears off the cobble stones, it provides a wonderful rugged texture.

While painting this artwork, I worked hard mixing the right blue. After many attempts I realised that there is a touch of lavender in the colour. The doorways in Morocco are tantalising as they lead you to wonder what is behind and often it is yet another door. The walls have a magnificent old texture which is often peeling. I have depicted this in the painting with the use of a lot of impasto and gel.

I loved my travel in Morocco – the bright colours of the Medinas, the spices, the snake charmers and sleeping in the desert.

This painting is taken from one of the many photos I took in Chefchaoen and depicts those worn cobblestone streets, the gorgeous blues, pink Moroccan style tiles and the mystery of that doorway!

This painting would look great in a lounge, dining, bedroom , in a covered patio or balcony or even in the kitchen. It is ready to hang and framed in a silver floating frame.